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Małopolska Region on bicycles? Strongly recommended!

Małopolska Region on bicycles? Strongly recommended!

ścieżka rowerowa wśród pól, na poboczu stoi rower na horyzoncie widać góry
Looking for inspiration for a day’s cycling or a longer trip? We have a unique cycling guide for you. It contains a ready-made guide on how to prepare for a cycling adventure and 19 suggestions for one-day, multi-day or family trips. These routes are recommended by well-known and popular authors of popular travel blogs.

Cycling trips for everyone

By following their footsteps, listening to their recommendations and tips you will experience the uniqueness and taste the uniqueness of the region. Many of them have visited distant and exotic corners of the world, others know Małopolska Region inside out. They include seasoned long-distance runners, globetrotters and parents who share a passion for travel with their children. In these personal stories, everyone will find a cycling tour suggestion for themselves. Ewa Świderska (Ewcyna) will take you on a multi-day trip along the Vistula Cycle Route, Alicja Rapsiewicz and Andrzej Budnik (LosWiaheros) will take you from Krakow to Stary Sącz, and Anita and Paweł Skowera ( will check out the Route around the Tatra Mountains. Shorter trips are offered by Szymon Nitka (ZnajKraj) – you will visit VeloCzorsztyn and the most beautiful VeloDunajec route in Poland. Wojtek Goj (Szlak wokół Tatr) will talk about different variants of travelling around Podhale, and Jarek Tarański (VeloMałopolska) will take you to the Poprad Valley. You will go on a cycling tour of Krakow and its surroundings with Kasia Łaskawiec and Tomek Sawirski (Polska po godzinach). Kasia Puźniak (Lucky MTB) will take you on a more difficult mountain trip from Nowy Sącz to Rabka Zdrój, and you can explore Beskid Sądecki with Ola and Szymon Rochowiak (Beskid Trail). Cycling tours with children are recommended by the Mazurka family (Rodzinnie Dookoła Świata) and Kasia Pustelny-Szewczyk and Marek Szewczyk (Kasai). With them, you will visit the Nowy Sącz section of the VeloDunajec, the Olszowy Potok Valley and the Karpia Valley; from Rudno you will ride to the Chechlo Reservoir and check out the section of the Vistula Cycle Route from Ujście Jezuickie to Szczucin, which is ideal for children. 

Cycling routes and trails in Małopolska Region

Out of many extraordinary personal stories we have selected only some accounts – we cared about timeliness (publication in the last two years) and showing the diversity of the region's cycling offer. Many more ready-made suggestions for cycling tours of Małopolska can be found on the blogs of the authors who participated in the project and on the website

New cycling season in Małopolska

The guide is available in an electronic version (in addition to each tour there are maps in pdf format which you can print out on any printer and take with you on your trip), and in a free printed version it will be available during the holidays at the points of the Małopolska Tourist Information System. 

But that’s not all we have prepared for you for the new cycling season. Individualists who prefer to prepare the route on their own are offered current maps of the VeloMałopolska routes and cycling trails. When planning a journey, it is worth using Cyclist-Friendly Areas – these include catering facilities, accommodation facilities and tourist attractions with facilities for cyclists. And for those who like to get lost along the route only on purpose, we recommend, among other things, a mobile application administered by PTTK: Tourist routes of Małopolska and this year's novelty – a free application/bicycle navigation: Rowerowa Małopolska.

Cycling guide: Małopolska on bicycles. The best routes according to the blogosphere – download guide

Version for e-book readers: EPUB and MOBI

Printable maps of the routes presented in the guidebook

  • Rowerem przez Tatry z Anitą i Pawłem Skowera z - pobierz mapę  ; pobierz GPX(Kacwin - Nowy targ) ; pobierz GPX(Nowy Targ - Chochołów) 
  • Wiślana Trasa Rowerowa: Kraków - Szczucin – oczami Ewy Świderskiej autorki bloga - pobierz mapę ; pobierz GPX
  • Wiślana Trasa Rowerowa: Brzeszcze - Kraków – z Ewą Świderską autorką bloga - pobierz mapę ; pobierz GPX
  • VeloDunajec: Wietrzychowice - Stary Sącz z Alicją Rapsiewicz i Andrzejem Budnikiem - pobierz mapę 
  • W Dolinie Popradu z Jarkiem Tarańskim - pobierz mapę ; pobierz GPX
  • Kraków rowerem z Kasią Łaskawiec i Tomkiem Sawirskim - pobierz mapę 
  • Okolice Krakowa z Kasią Łaskawiec i Tomkiem Sawirskim - pobierz mapę 
  • Krakowski Offroad z Kasią Łaskawiec i Tomkiem Sawirskim - pobierz mapę 
  • VeloDunajec z Szymonem Nitką - pobierz mapę ; pobierz GPX
  • VeloCzorsztyn z Szymonem Nitką - pobierz mapę 
  • Dla rowerowych smakoszy – Wojtek Goj poleca - pobierz mapę 
  • Dolina Karpia na dwóch kółkach z Kasią Pustelny-Szewczyk i Markiem Szewczykiem - pobierz mapę ; pobierz GPX
  • Wiślana Trasa Rowerowa rodzinnie - z Kasią Pustelny-Szewczyk i Markiem Szewczykiem - pobierz mapę ; pobierz GPX
  • VeloDunajec: Zabrzeż – Kadcza z rodziną Mazurków - pobierz mapę ; pobierz GPX 
  • Rowerem przez Dolinę Olszowego Potoku z rodziną Mazurków - pobierz mapę ; pobierz GPX
  • Z Rudna nad Zalew Chechło z rodziną Mazurków - pobierz mapę ; pobierz GPX
  • Beskid Sądecki ekstremalnie z Olą i Szymonem Rochowiakami - pobierz mapę ; pobierz GPX
  • Mini bikepacking z Kasią Lucky MTB cz. 1: Nowy Sącz – Szczawnica - pobierz mapę ; pobierz GPX
  • Mini bikepacking z Kasią Lucky MTB cz. 2: Na trasie ze Szczawnicy do Rabki-Zdrój - pobierz mapę ; pobierz GPX

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