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Zespół pałacowo-parkowy Anny i Erazma Jerzmanowskich w Prokocimiu Kraków

1. Kraków-Prokocim palace and park complex

Słoneczny dzień. W cieniu za drzewem z uschniętymi liśćmi po lewej, niskim żywopłotem i krzewem, na wprost, stoi jasny dwukondygnacyjny pałac z balkonem i okrągłą wieżą, z kolumnami przy wysokich oknach i ozdobną baniastą kopułą. Niebo nad nim bezchmurne.

ul. Dygasińskiego, 30-808 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 126580579
The palace in Prokocim, which survives to this day, was built in the 1820s by Count Józef Wodzicki. In 1810 he also established an English-style park, which later evolved into what we know today as the Anna and Erazm Jerzmanowski Park.

The village of Prokocim was probably founded by Prokop, bishop of Kraków. In 1891, the Prokocim estate was bought by Józef Grodzicki, who commissioned a well-known architect, Karol Knaus, to redesign the palace. The following years saw the park expanded, with oaks, poplars, maple and ash trees, and new paths were marked out. In 1895, the palace went to its new owner – industrialist and philanthropist, Erazm Jerzmanowski, who had recently come from the United States. He modernized the palace by electrifying it and installing central heating, water supply and sewage systems. He also expanded the park by installing bridges, sculptures and an orangery. In 1910 the property in Prokocim was bought by the Augustinians, who ran schools in the palace. From 1950-2000, the structure housed a children’s home. These days, the palace houses an Augustinian monastery. The revitalization of the park, which was completed in 2020, saw new trees planted in the area, along with an outdoor gym and an expanded children’s playground. Two fountains (including one designed by Professor Wiktor Zin) are among the local attractions.

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